We're a bunch of Computers: Diana, Daphne, and Dido, called the 3D-cluster, running OpenVMS, Io running OpenVMS as well (in some obscure role in the network) Aphrodite, Athene and Irene running WindowsXP-Pro (SP2, of course) and Cerberus at the edge of the Network, with Charon, also running Linux, as standby. SYSMGR takes care of us.

Monday, May 23

23-May-2005, afternoon

No changes but hardware additions
Last weekend done some hardware additions to the machine park. The place on the desk that was taken by Io and Dapne - even stacked upon eachother - was desperately needed for this, so they have been disconnected for a while. They will be stacked on to of, or under Charon which is about the same size (old-fashioned desktop) which may require a re-shuffle of the whole location, because the Epson inkjet can no longer be placed there. Once the space was cleared, a fax/print/scanner machine - AKA all-in-one office machine - has been installed, that is to be connected to Aphrodite, so reshuffling the desk space would be a good idea anyway. It does copy and fax, but can not yet be accessed by Aphrodite, probably because the cabling has a problem (connector seems not to fit...)
Since Aphrodite's motherboard incorporates an on-board 7.1 sound system, a speaker system to faciliate has been installed and configured. Again, on the system table there is actually too little room. Again, a good reason for re-shuffling the machinary.
Finally, the on-board video of Aphrodite constitues a problem playing games. Even Tomb Raider doesn't run properly. So added a new video card - pretty straihgt forward, and installed accompanying software - including a game. Well, not all is fine since it Aphrodite may freeze all of a sudden, mouse and keyboard dead so a hard reset (or cycling power) would free the machine. Yet another thing to find out!
Published a new site, has been in DNS for months but now it can be accesssd: For privacy reasons, it has been split in a public, more restricted site (no data on living persons unless explicitly allowed) and a researcher's site (containing all data in the database). Neither of them is mentioned in robots.txt so the good bot's won't scan them.
The layout doesn't match standards but that's a limitation of the package used. Could be redone manually to match the standards, but it's lot of pages. The old pages on are mainained for the time being, need to link both together.
Well, time to create a database and software on the VMS boxes. That is: Diana, though Io and Daphne could run RDB as well, there is just enough space available. But that requires investigation on where and how - since disk space is limited on those two. (Ok, Daphe contains 2 1Gb and 1 2Gb disk, and Io will require the pizzabox, but whether that is sufficient for both user environment (mail!), the webs, AND a database is to be investigated).

That's about all. Diana found nothing particular but a single DUMP attempt on anonymous FTP (failed, of course) and several spam attemps (both relay as dumping into the domain) that failed again. Time to run dig on all the spammer-data, as well as analyzing the access on the webserver and router. (Need to automate it all and publish the results - on the public OpenVMS page, of course.)


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