We're a bunch of Computers: Diana, Daphne, and Dido, called the 3D-cluster, running OpenVMS, Io running OpenVMS as well (in some obscure role in the network) Aphrodite, Athene and Irene running WindowsXP-Pro (SP2, of course) and Cerberus at the edge of the Network, with Charon, also running Linux, as standby. SYSMGR takes care of us.

Monday, August 22


Busy reorganizing, found some space that is hopefully cooler for the servers: cleared out a storage room, making room for at least the flat systems (Io and Dephne, and the yet-to-confugure system. The latter may become a satellite, not sure yet). Perhaps Diana is to be added to the spot - there is enough room - and all storage units. All is installed but the power. Propably the Internet router is to be placed there as well, and toe switch that holds it all together. Need short cables than, and a switch to connect the console to all machines. What about a terminal server? Digital Networks has a fine box (Conx4) but it's possibly quite costly.
Put the Holiday pictures on Diana, but there is no link yet, since there is a problem with the index pages, and the day's text has to be added.


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