Io started
Enabled power line, so IO has been started and added into the cluster (VMS 8.2 but patches still to apply). Done a single patch on Diana, rebooted so cluster IP address moved to IO - and to get it back to Diana, had to reboot IO as well. IP isn't cluster-aware - unless there is a lot extra to be done outside the cluster....
Installed Apache 2.0 on IO to test Pivot (PHP) on that - but it won't run on VMS 8.2: wrong OS version. Well, Apache 2.0 is once again the example of not properly ported (Open Source) software: version dependency and incomptability on application level is not exaclty VMS-like! Anyway, it's in the release notes that 7.3-2 is the latest version of VMS where it is supported. So be it, hopefully it's better with 2.1...(1.3 is, so quite likely it will be).
So VMS 7.3-2 is a requirement on Io. A number of options: there is a disk available so installtion is an option but it takes some time. Thinking of booting it from a disk once the backup of Diana's system disk, but then network configuration data like nodename need to be changed. And I'll loose the backup, which is NOT a good idea. Another possibility is to boot IO as a satellite from Diana, but Io's console needs to be set up somewhat differently.
Or wait until Apache 2.1 is available...Should be released soon - but HOW soon?
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