Web trouble
This morning, WASD returns:
ERROR 500 - The server has encountered an unexpected condition.
after having accepted login-credentials. That is: the login window comes up in the browser, data is entered and then this page shows up....
Yesterday, all was correct, as I could access the webs using Iona.
Found the cause: the disk containing the webs was " offline" - got a lot of errors, was lost by the system, regained and went into mount verification, which timed out so the disk was gone from a system point of view, around 16:30 yesterday. It was impossible to login, something I found out this morning as well... It turned out that both the HSZ50 as Diana needed to be rebooted to get things back to normal.
After the system had come up and running again, no more errors occured - therefore I suspected the controller to have missed a bit or two (or more), or the disk hardware itself failed for some reason. Anyway, I took the chance to make an image backup of the disk, perhaps I should shadow them all.
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