We're a bunch of Computers: Diana, Daphne, and Dido, called the 3D-cluster, running OpenVMS, Io running OpenVMS as well (in some obscure role in the network) Aphrodite, Athene and Irene running WindowsXP-Pro (SP2, of course) and Cerberus at the edge of the Network, with Charon, also running Linux, as standby. SYSMGR takes care of us.

Sunday, November 12


using Wordpress - on Diana, of course. It was very easy (like I thought) to enable multiple blogs on that machine without having to copy everything. Just using a search list as a root directory and copying and adjusting the configuration file did the trick. Of course, after adding the new root to the server configuration (since it has it's own logical root), but that would be needed anyway. Theer might still be some issues but the main fact is: it works great. I have requested to incorporate the required changes in the main code stream - we'll see.
The new address is (don't forget the last "/" otherwise it wont work yet - one of those little annoyances...)
is required to be set up to get the Blogger content (this blog, that is), but HP's PHP-engine that is used for WASD to be able to handle PHJPO code, does not include it - and the cURL site claims it ought to be built-in since 4.0, and since HP's PHP engine is based on 4.1, so you would expect it to be included. Alas, is isnt. But I could download 7.15-2 for VMS and installed it, but without rebuilding the whole PHP stuff, it's not possible. And rebuilding PHPSHR from scratch, without the required logicals or even MMS files? I don't want to get onto that!.
Having that, I could give it a try to get the data and I did. However, it's quite a lot of work to get it all into the new blog...


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