More hardware trouble...
but different.
Planned to apply the suggestions as given on ITRC (booted up HSZ50 and disk shelves) it runed out Hera had severe problems. Being equipped with 64M (bank 0) + 128M (bank 1) RAM SIMMs, it was dead slow - and examining the hardware found by the BIOS is showed just the 64M in bank 0. No wonder it was so slow. First idea was that the 128M SIMM broke down, but switching both SIMMS shows 132072 bytes - 128 * 1024.
In retrying the system all of a sudden failed completely - and it turned out the power unit gave up. Went to a hardware shop nearby and it was found that some capicitaor on the motherboard was bad - and leaking. So byew bye to Hera.
Bought a new box (called Irene) and had all software re-installed....
just mail:
29-DEC-2005 01:05:57.77 CLNTINRBL
29-DEC-2005 06:08:03.33 BADMF john@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 06:08:11.66 BADMF john@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 06:08:18.06 BADMF john@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 06:14:35.95 NOSPAMRLY gjwns_44@daum.net
29-DEC-2005 10:28:46.78 CLNTINRBL
29-DEC-2005 11:19:48.28 CLNTINRBL
29-DEC-2005 17:38:08.95 BADMF nwslesoew19@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 18:47:14.00 BADMF hugh@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 18:47:22.36 BADMF hugh@yahoo.com
29-DEC-2005 18:47:29.58 BADMF hugh@yahoo.com
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