Shared SCSI Ok..
Took off the both aphastations from the SCSI bus - it did work well on Diana, so the problem was indeed somewhere around there. I replaced the KZPBA by KZPSA, and realized I had to change the SCSI-id - per system. Dido (the first one to handle since that was on top of the stack) could now access the HSZ50 as well and all disks, without a problem.
but rebuilding the cluster fails!
Next was to try to add Dido into the cluster - as a server, not a satelite - by running cluster_config. A new root is than created, and all goes, booting Dido from that new root is no problem at all - until the membership is requested. It takes a long time and a lot of attempts until a connection to Diana is esatblised - but that is the end. The system may try and try and try for hours, but no answer from Diana...
I did the same with Daphne but again, there is that failure adding itself into the cluster.
So it's quite a challenge to create a singele-disk, non-satelite cluster!
Therefore: single upgrade...
Since there is a rather recent backup of Diana's system disk, I decided to upgrade anyway. It saves a lot of work! The same has to be done with Dido - and DECNet must be handled - some connectyion seemed to be lost and there is a vast amount of messages.
Also, waht could be de-installed using PROD has been done (Some languages, not all), and I copied a number of packages to install from CD to disk - space enough.
just a few mail:
22-DEC-2005 21:58:56.32 NOSPAMRLY new_openrelay_test@internl.net
22-DEC-2005 06:14:39.47 CLNTINRBL
22-DEC-2005 06:14:48.64 CLNTINRBL
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