No single-disk cluster - yet
Several problems, coming together, make it virtually impossible to create a single-system-disk cluster.
Tried this on Diso: boot it conversarionally, in SYSBOOT set parameter VOTES to 1 - as stated on ITRC. DIDO was updated and rebooted, but due to the wrong SRM variables had to reboot manually. In that sequence, Diana hung for some reason, perhaps VERSIONS?
When Dido wa started afterwards, the same problem on the shared SCSI bus (llosing connection, falling into mount verification and finsihing that, passing from Dido to SMCP on Diana and back) made it impossible for Dido to start
Other hardware
In Daphne (easiest accessable) I exchanged the KZPSA with KZPBA, indeed could set the host_id to 5 but that did not stop the console from crashing - continuously, as long as Diana was booting. After that, I started custer_cnfig on diana to create a root for Daphne, booted Daphne to the newly created root, set SYSGEN parameter VOTES to 1 - as stated on ITRC - but Daphne did not pass starting MSCP.
For the moment, the project is postponed.
a few in mail:
30-DEC-2005 03:25:48.97 CLNTINRBL
30-DEC-2005 07:37:04.69 NOSPAMRLY gjwns_44@daum.net
30-DEC-2005 17:11:16.90 CLNTINRBL
30-DEC-2005 17:25:10.58 CLNTINRBL
30-DEC-2005 17:25:18.45 CLNTINRBL
30-DEC-2005 17:25:24.66 CLNTINRBL
30-DEC-2005 23:42:46.63 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 05:05:01.20 BADMF john@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 05:05:08.51 BADMF john@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 07:20:47.60 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 08:13:14.04 BADMF gilbert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 08:13:22.03 BADMF gilbert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 08:13:31.04 BADMF gilbert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 12:00:45.15 BADMF thomas@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 12:00:52.65 BADMF thomas@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 12:01:00.58 BADMF thomas@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 13:18:04.13 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 13:31:43.55 BADMF rogert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 13:31:50.92 BADMF rogert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 13:32:00.80 BADMF rogert@yahoo.com
31-DEC-2005 22:35:20.12 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 23:49:10.58 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 23:49:30.60 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 23:49:40.41 CLNTINRBL
31-DEC-2005 23:49:58.63 CLNTINRBL
and one on anonymous FTP:
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 31-DEC-2005 02:04:11.47 %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user TCPIP$FTP on DIANA
User Name: anonymous
Source: static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net
Status: NOPRIV -- File access violation
Object: WEB_DISK:[public.anonymous.051230200311p]
just 7 seconds:
31-DEC-2005 02:04:10.19 User:anonymous logged in ident:Wgpuser@home.com from Host:static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net
31-DEC-2005 02:04:11.24 User:anonymous ident:Wgpuser@home.com status:00010001 CWD dir:WEB_DISK:[public.anonymous]
31-DEC-2005 02:04:17.79 User:anonymous ident:Wgpuser@home.com logged out
where the script tried:
%TCPIP-I-FTP_SESCON, FTP SERVER: session connection from static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net at 31-DEC-2005 02:04:09.81
%TCPIP-I-FTP_NODE, client host name: static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net
%TCPIP-I-FTP_USER, user name: anonymous
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: WEB_DISK:[public.anonymous.051230200311p]
%TCPIP-I-FTP_CHINFO, TCPIP$FTPC00003: Failed to create directory
%SYSTEM-F-NOPRIV, insufficient privilege or object protection violation
%TCPIP-I-FTP_NODE, client host name: static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net
%TCPIP-I-FTP_USER, user name: anonymous
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /pub/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_CHINFO, TCPIP$FTPC00003: Failed to set default directory
%SYSTEM-W-BADIRECTORY, bad directory file format
%TCPIP-I-FTP_NODE, client host name: static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net
%TCPIP-I-FTP_USER, user name: anonymous
and the same on
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /public/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_vti_pvt/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_vti_txt/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_vti_cfg/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_vti_log/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_vti_cnf/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /_private/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /incoming/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /pub/incoming/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /public/incoming/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /public_html/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /upload/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /wwwroot/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /mailroot/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /ftproot/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /home/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /images/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /web/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /www/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /html/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /cgi-bin/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /usr/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /usr/incoming/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /temp/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /~temp/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /tmp/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /~tmp/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /outgoing/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/_vti_pvt/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/_vti_cnf/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/incoming/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/pub/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /anonymous/public/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /tagged/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_OBJ, object: /tagged.by/
%TCPIP-I-FTP_SESDCN, FTP SERVER: session disconnection from static-68-236-199-200.nwrk.east.verizon.net at 31-DEC-2005 02:04:17.92
Two other accesses wewe not finished:
%TCPIP-I-FTP_SESCON, FTP SERVER: session connection from at 30-DEC-2005 00:34:09.37
%TCPIP-I-FTP_SESCON, FTP SERVER: session connection from 220-132-64-32.HINET-IP.hinet.net at 30-DEC-2005 06:14:24.67